
  • 美国之音





Obama Bans Solitary Confinement for Juveniles

U.S. President Barack Obama has adopted reforms to the federal prison system that include banning solitary confinement for juvenile prisoners and limiting when it can be used for adults.

In an opinion piece posted late Monday by The Washington Post, Obama said there are as many as 100,000 people in solitary confinement in the U.S. and that the practice brings potential "devastating, lasting psychological consequences."

There are nearly 200,000 federal prisoners, and Obama said eliminating solitary confinement for juveniles and those who commit low-level offenses while incarcerated will affect 10,000 people.





US Democratic Candidates Make Iowa Pitch in Town Hall

The three Democrats who want to be the next president of the United States made pitch Monday night to voters in Iowa, where next week the state's caucus kicks off the months-long process of selecting the party's 2016 nominee.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told a town hall event hosted by CNN she is a "proven fighter" and highlighted her experience as a member of President Barack Obama's Cabinet. She said military action should be used as a last resort, and instead promoted using diplomacy even though it is "slow" and "boring."

Clinton also took aim at Republican front-runner Donald Trump's comments about Muslims, calling them dismissive, insulting and contrary to American values. She said protecting the country means ensuring Muslims "are with us."