
  • 美国之音










UN Security Council to Discuss Iran, Weapons of Mass Destruction

The United Nations General Assembly continues its annual meeting Wednesday with addresses by leaders from Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Cuba and Britain, while the U.N. Security Council meets on the sidelines to discuss, among other things, Iran's influence in the Middle East and issues surrounding the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

The meeting will be chaired by U.S. President Donald Trump, who called on world leaders during his address before the Assembly on Tuesday to "isolate Iran's regime as long as its aggression continues."

"They do not respect their neighbors or their borders or the sovereign rights of nations. Instead, Iran's leaders plunder the nation's resources to enrich themselves and to spread mayhem across the Middle East and far beyond," President Trump said Tuesday.

Trump maintained that the 2015 nuclear deal to end Iran's nuclear weapons program, which he withdrew the United States from, was a "windfall for Iran's leaders" and boosted its military budget by nearly 40-percent to "finance terrorism and fund havoc and slaughter in Syria and Yemen."

The president said his administration started last month "reimposing hard-hitting nuclear sanctions that have been lifted under the Iran deal" and that more sanctions would be imposed on November 5 and beyond.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told the Assembly in his speech that no country can be brought to the negotiating table by force. Rouhani also questioned how Iran can enter into an agreement with the United States, which he said violates the policies of Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama. In addition, Rouhani accused the Trump administration of trying to render all global institutions ineffectual.

In the year since he made his U.N. debut, Trump has faithfully followed his America First policy by cutting funding to the world organization, withdrawn from the Paris Climate Agreement and the Iran nuclear deal, and quit U.N. bodies, including the Human Rights Council.





非洲 - 11,000人,低于2018财年的19,000人;

近东和南亚(包括中东)- 9,000人,低于2018年的17,500人;

东亚 - 4,000人,低于2018年的5,000人;

欧洲 - 3,000人,高于2018年的2,000人;

拉丁美洲和加勒比地区 - 3,000人,高于2018年的1,500人。





US Refugee Proposal Would See Decrease for Africa, Middle East Countries

The U.S. State Department is proposing that the United States receive proportionally fewer refugees from Africa and the Middle East in the coming year than it planned to last year, in favor of an increase in refugees from Asia and Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, according to data obtained from the agency.

The regional shifts are part of a proposal that would reduce the number of refugees allowed into the country for Fiscal Year 2019 to 30,000, a record low for the program.

As it stands, the proposed amounts for each region, according to the State Department, are:

Africa — 11,000, down from 19,000 in fiscal 2018.

Near East and South Asia (includes the Middle East) — 9,000, down from 17,500.

East Asia — 4,000, down from 5,000.

Europe — 3,000, up from 2,000.

Latin America and the Caribbean — 3,000, up from 1,500.

The proposed ceiling marks an upper threshold — not a goal. With about a week left in the fiscal year, fewer than 22,000 of a proposed 45,000 refugees had been admitted into the country, according to State Department data.

Moreover, regional allocations don't always align with reality. For example, last year, the president mandated that 42 percent of refugees come from Africa. As of Sept. 21, that figure was 46 percent.

Another region that exceeded its intended allocation: Europe, where a surge in Ukrainian refugees accounted for part of the jump from a proposed 4 percent of refugees to a reality of 16 percent.

The difference in refugee arrivals from the Middle East in the last year was the starkest. The administration capped the number at 39 percent — 17,500 Middle Eastern refugees of the 45,000 total; to date for FY2018, it has admitted 3,756 from the Middle East, or about 17 percent.