
  • 美国之音










At Least Six People Dead After Boat Sinks in Colombia

Colombian officials say at least six people are dead and 31 missing after a four-story ferryboat with about 170 passengers capsized on the Penol-Guatape reservoir, a popular tourist destination near city of Medellin, Sunday.

Speaking to reporters at the reservoir, the head of disaster relief for Antioquia province, Margarita Moncada, said that 99 people were rescued and 40 others managed to swim to safety by themselves.

Recreational boats and jet skis rushed to the scene, pulling people from the boat as it was sinking.

Rescue teams, including air force pilots and firefighters were searching for survivors at the reservoir, where the Almirante ferry sank.

Visiting the scene of the accident, President Juan Manuel Santos said the boat did not appear to be overloaded.

The cause of the accident is unclear. Some survivors said they heard a loud noise just before the boat began to sink.

Monday is a holiday in Colombia so the reservoir and nearby town were more crowded that usual.




受影响最大的是俄亥俄州,州长卡西奇(John Kasich)和州长夫人凯伦·卡西奇,以及州总监察长办公室、医疗补助计划部、州惩教局等部门网站均遭到黑客攻击。




一个自称Team System DZ的组织宣布对攻击这些网站负责。

Government Websites in US Hacked With Pro-Islamic State Message

Several U.S. state and local government websites were hacked Sunday to display a message supporting the Islamic State group.

"You will be held accountable Trump, you and all your people for every drop of blood flowing in Muslim countries," the message said. It ended with, "I love the Islamic state."

The most extensive effects were in the state of Ohio, where the hacks hit websites for Governor John Kasich and first lady Karen Kasich, as well as the state's Inspector General, Department of Medicaid, Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, and others.

"As soon as we were notified of the situation we immediately began to correct it and will continue to monitor until fully resolved," Governor Kasich's office said.

The hacking also affected the websites for Howard County, Maryland and Brookhaven, New York.

Some of the sites were restored later Sunday, but others that were taken down following the hack were still unavailable early Monday.

A group named Team System DZ claimed responsibility for the hacks.