





** Two S. Korean Nuclear Reactors Shut Down by Malfunctions **

Two South Korean nuclear power reactors have been shut down following apparently unrelated malfunctions. Officials say there is no danger of a radiation leak.

South Korean nuclear operators say the Shingori-1 reactor, near the city of Busan, was shut down early Tuesday following a control rod malfunction.

A short time later, the number 5 reactor at the Yeonggwang facility, 260 kilometers south of Seoul, also suffered what officials say appears to be an unrelated malfunction.

South Korea depends on atomic plants to generate more than one-third of its electricity. The resource-poor country has vowed to push forward with nuclear power, despite last year's nuclear disaster in Japan.






**US Slams 'Harsh' Sentence against Cambodia Gov't Critic **

The United States says it is "deeply concerned" at the conviction of a prominent Cambodian land rights campaigner who was sentenced to 20 years in prison on insurrection charges.

In a statement Monday, the State Department characterized the sentence against Mam Sonando as "harsh" and called on the Cambodian government to immediately release the 71-year-old.

A Cambodian court on Monday convicted Sonando of inciting villagers to try to form their own state following a land dispute in eastern Cambodia earlier this year.

Sonando denied the charges. His radio station, known as Beehive Radio, sometimes broadcasts material critical of Prime Minister Hun Sen, who has ruled Cambodia since 1985.