

perceive 的意思是察觉,感受。
今天我们要学的词是 perceive. Perceive is spelled P-E-R-C-E-II-E-V-E, perceive.
perceive 的意思是察觉,感受。 In the days following a constitutional referendum that gave Putin a new mandate to stay in power for 16 more years, Russia’s security services have launched a series of arrests against perceived government opponents. 俄罗斯举行的宪法公投赋予了普京继续执政长达16年的权力,但俄罗斯的安全部门在投票后几天里逮捕了一批被认为是政府的反对者。
Though smiling generally brings more trust, new research provides evidence that a smile can increase or decrease how trustworthy you are perceived depending on your personality. 尽管微笑通常会带来更多的信任,但新的研究表明,微笑可以增加或减少别人对你的信任程度,取决于个人的性格。
好的,我们今天学习的词是 perceive, perceive, perceive ...