学个词-- eviscerate


eviscerate 的原意是切除内脏,引申出来是抽取精华,掏空的。
今天我们要学的词是 eviscerate. Eviscerate is spelled E-V-I-S-C-E-R-A-T-E, eviscerate.

eviscerate 的原意是切除内脏,引申出来是抽取精华,掏空的。 Citing Beijing’s “decision to eviscerate Hong Kong’s freedoms,” US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday that the US was being forced “to re-evaluate its policies toward the territory.” 美国国务卿蓬佩奥星期一在提到北京“攫取香港自由的决定”时表示,美国正被迫“重新评估其对香港的政策”。

Critics who are opposed to the whole concept of legislation targeted at ‘hate crimes’ and ‘hate speech’ argue that these laws eviscerate any concept of freedom of speech. 那些对“仇恨犯罪”和“仇恨言论”整个立法概念持批评意见的人士认为,这些法律破坏了任何有关言论自由的原则。

好的,我们今天学习的词是 eviscerate, eviscerate, eviscerate ...